I love working with felt. My first experience with this material was in college when our textiles instructor had us make it from scratch from wool through a process of hot water and stomping which looked a lot like a grape harvest, but that's another story. One of my favorite felt artisans is Giant Dwarf. Her designs are lovely as well as being eco-friendly by using recycled and sustainable materials. I first saw Sue's work last year when I styled a Fall Hats photo shoot for a magazine I freelance for. The photo below shows her Rosette Fascinator which is near the top center of the image.
© Giant DwarfHere's a closeup of the fascinator. It also comes in several other color combinations. In addition to selling beautifully designed headgear, Giant Dwarf also sells Fancy Felt. You can pick individual 9 x 12 pieces or a batch of felt that's been coordinated into color themes. Mine came today and I'm ready to get started on some Christmas crafting. I purchase the "Candy Land Collection" which does look rather tasty.
image by charming ink