Yes — it was vacation time and that means a break from everything — even posting. Here are a few of the beautiful blossoms we encountered on our annual hike in Rocky Mountain National Park. Everything was spectacular this year. There seemed to be more rain and the wildflowers were exquisite.
Instagram is thinking outside the box
Instagram is thinking outside the box, or rather outside the square. They recently updated the app to allow vertical and horizontal images and videos instead of just squares. Hurrah!
To learn more about the changes, check out the Instagram Help Center.
Personalized Graduation Announcements
It's nearly time for graduation! If you'd like to send a unique graduation announcement or invitation, why not consider using photographs of your graduate for a personalized touch? There are scores of lovely invitation designs that you can customize in minutes on Zazzle. Get 50% Off Invitations through April 8th with the code GIFTFORGRADS and 15% off ALL orders.
The Katie Soyka Collection
I'm very excited to introduce a new line of invitations, post cards and other goodies that can be customized with your own photography. All of the designs feature the work of McKinney photographer Katie Soyka. Her images are beautiful and illustrate perfectly how invitations and announcements can come to life when they're personalized. To see more of Katie's portfolio or to schedule a shoot if you're in North Texas, visit her website More designs will be added as we move into spring, so check back for new styles.

Affinity Photo — alternative to Photoshop
Affinity has released a new photo editing App for the Mac and the buzz is that is a viable alternative to Photoshop. I'm glad to hear it, because the Adobe "Cloud" service is getting very expensive at over $50 a pop monthly and they need some healthy competition. Right now they offering a FREE beta download.
From the company website:
For Mac photographers and bitmap artists, Affinity Photo offers high end photo editing to take images beyond professional adjustment and correction. With instant redraw from its live tools and effects, Affinity Photo presents a refreshingly fluid editing experience, the highest quality retouch tools, deep and accurate colour, and great compatibility. Jaw-dropping quality and speed optimisations for all Core 2 Duo and upwards Macs allow more people than ever to enjoy the benefits of this highly accurate photo tool.
Recent work, styling small things
This week I've been styling and shooting mini sculpture signature necklaces. These are created from your handwriting and the depth of the casting makes for a striking pendant. I think they'd also be lovely as inspirational words as well. A friend had one made using a sample of her grandmother's writing making it a wearable keepsake. Available at Nan Lee Jewelry.
Sunday ramble
After the cold snap and cloudy days the sun finally warmed up the land! We rambled around yesterday at Towne Lake and the Heard Museum and Nature Sanctuary. We were lucky enough to see an egret keeping watch in one of the trees as well as a hawk and countless ducks.